Harrison’s Wood
Harrison’s Plantation is an area of privately owned woodland bordered by Salhouse Road and Blue Boar Lane, to the east of Sprowston. The Town Council is working alongside Broadland District Council and Norfolk County Council to secure the woodlands and make them accessible to the public, as set out in the Sprowston Neighbourhood Plan.
The Sprowston Neighbourhood Plan, which was adopted by Broadland District Council in 2014, includes a policy to make this area into a woodland activity park, suitable for all ages, which would include walking and cycling facilities and provide a useful recreation resource for residents of Sprowston, combining with the existing, adjacent area of Cottage Plantation.
The woodland areas of Harrison’s Plantation, The Breck (which adjoins it) and Boar Plantation (located further west along Blue Boar Lane) lie within the White House Farm development area which will see the building of up to 1,233 dwellings, a new link road, recreation space, a primary school and other associated works between the Tesco store and the woodland bordering Salhouse Road within the next few years. Making the woodlands publically accessible will provide a huge recreational benefit to existing residents of Sprowston as well as those who come to live in the new houses nearby.
As a public authority in England the Council has a duty to conserving biodiversity as part of its decision making. Conserving biodiversity can include restoring or enhancing a population or habitat.
Biodiversity 2020: A strategy for England’s Wildlife and Ecosystem Services adopted by Sprowston Town Council at their meeting in December 2014. Sprowston Town Council’s Biodiversity Statement/Policy.
The Town Council, Broadland District and Norfolk County Council have jointly produced a Management Plan detailing the scope and objections together with necessary measures required to enable public access to the woodlands in the short term, while addressing the aspirations and opportunities for woodland management and further community involvement in the longer term. The plan takes into consideration potential risks and variables associated with other projects and the permitted development.